At long last--a news and information service for all things rural in the US! The Daily Yonder, published through the Center for Rural Strategies, responds to the need for new media that explores the issues, concerns, and culture of rural America. As the Yonder's website puts it:

"55 million people live in the rural U.S. Maybe you're one of them, or used to be, or want to be. As mainstream TV and newspapers retreat from small towns, the Daily Yonder is coming on strong.

We're your daily multi-media buffet of news, commentary, research, and features.

Check us throughout the day for breaking news, updates from the best rural bloggers and pointers to streaming live radio from the coast of Maine and to the wilds of Montana.

How about those presidential candidates? The Daily Yonder is your source for news of all the campaigns -- how they're reaching (or ignoring) rural communities."

The Daily Yonder welcomes ideas, stories, news, and photos of your Sunday dinner, among other things. We at Saving The Sierra will be linking up with the Yonderites to share what's going on in our rural mountain range. In fact, Center For Rural Strategies President Dee Davis sits on Saving The Sierra's project advisory board--so you can be sure we'll be linking efforts!

So have a look at the Daily Yonder and let us know what you think about it here! Tell us what kinds of news, views, stories, and culture should we share from our neck of the woods with this national rural media outlet.



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