Here is your chance to get your thoughts to representatives on the Statewide Watershed Program advisory committee--the list of members is included and you probably know one of them! I work with two of the representatives, Sarah Green and Joan Clayburgh, who I know are eager to hear from the Sierra community. Check out the info below...

An excerpt from the California Watershed Network on the Statewide Watershed Program--

Since Secretary of Resources, Mike Chrisman, announced the creation of a new Statewide Watershed Program housed at the Department of Conservation at the Watershed Forum on September 20, 2007, the Program is off to a steady start. The Advisory Committee for the Program -- comprised of one or two stakeholders from each of the State's hydrologic units, along with a few representatives from the Environmental Justice community, Sierra Nevada Range, and tribal interests, have met twice. The first meeting provided an opportunity for committee members to meet and get to know each other. The second meeting was a chance to "roll up sleeves" and get to work. The Advisory Committee and Program staff discussed important elements of developing and implementing a Watershed Program for the entire state of California. The group is currently working on guiding principles for the Statewide Watershed Program. These principles will serve as basic assumptions to guide development and implementation of the new Program.

If you have any thoughts or comments on what should be included in these guiding principles, please email them to by Monday, January 14, 2008.

Public outreach activities and open meetings to gather feedback from a broad audience are scheduled to take place during February and March.


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