An essay by Davis Stewart

My first experience in the Sierra Nevada that I can remember is when I went backpacking for the first time with my dad. I was about ten years old, and my dad and I went on a three day backpacking trip to Loch Leven Lakes. The lakes are located up 1-80 near Big Bend. The hike up to the lakes is about three to four miles and about a thousand foot elevation gain. I remember the long steep hike up, it seemed to never end. But when we finally reached the top it was worth it. The roar of the cars racing up and down 1-80 was silenced and replaced by the sound of the wind sweeping through the trees.
We set up camp at the far end of the first lake. After a little rest we decided to explore the area and do a little fishing. We wandered around the lake and found a good spot to fish. My dad and I fished until dusk and then headed back to camp to cook dinner and go to bed. The next morning we got up, ate breakfast and decided to go on a hike. We hiked up the middle lake and after hanging out there for a while, decided to climb a small peak on our way back to camp. We made our way up the peak, walking up huge granite slabs. We reached the top and the view was amazing, mountains as far as you could see. On our way down we noticed there were grasshoppers everywhere. My dad and I spent a good hour chasing them down and catching them. We went back to camp, got our gear and went fishing. We caught our share of fish and headed back to camp to cook them up. The next morning we lingered around camp, caught more grasshoppers and went fishing. We packed up in the early afternoon and headed back down the mountain. As we hiked the sound of the wind was replaced by the roar of cars. We reached our car loaded up and headed home.

This is the first trip that I can remember, and one that I Will never forget. I have been backpacking ever since and have seen some amazing places. I love being outdoors, and love the Sierra. My dad and I are planning on backpacking the John Muir Trail this summer. I can not wait to spend a month hiking in the Sierra Nevada.
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings" -- John Muir


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