lifeways and livelihoods

Hey Chris

Great to read your reflections on agriculture, your place within it, and how we can choose (or not) to be connected to where our food comes from. I've been spending a lot of time this past week on our family farm picking cherries and reveling in the task of harvesting. Of course, I'm just picking for fun and for the family, which is different that doing it as a day job. But still, it gave me a chance to slow down, focus on being outdoors, and celebrate that our family grows some of what we consume. Some days when I am at my computer trying to figure out how to use my mind to advance positive change in the world, I feel like I'd rather be doing something else--like picking cherries. But both tasks do nourish me and both are important to contributing to my immediate and larger community. Looking forward to your next installment.

jesikah maria ross Project Co-Director, Saving The Sierra: Voices of Conservation In Action


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