The Sierra Nevada Alliance is proud to announce the second edition publication of the Sierra Climate Change Toolkit.  The toolkit contains current and relevant information on climate change impacts at the global, national, state and regional level.  More importantly, the toolkit focuses on how resource planners and empowered individuals can successfully plan for future climate change and adapt our lifestyles and management practices to address the ongoing effects of global warming.
Also featured is an updated and expanded list of resources, reading and websites, as well as presentations (including a CD of useful PowerPoint presentations and slides) and contacts that can be easily utilized to educate yourself and others.
We hope that you take advantage of this useful resource and we welcome any suggestions or comments for future editions.

Download it FREE here.

Hard copies $10. Please contact Marion Gee ( if you would like a Sierra Nevada Alliance member to give a Climate Change presentation at your organization or community group meeting as a supplement to the NEW Sierra Climate Change Toolkit.


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