
Everyone, rural and urban alike, has a reason to care about conservation of California's Sierra Nevada. This magnificent mountain range offers an experience of nature to over 100 million visitors each year. It's also provides 2/3 of every drop of water used in the state. With the population of the Sierra Nevada estimated to triple by 2040, rural life, working landscapes, and community identities are bound to change. Let's talk about how to conserve the environment, economy and culture of the Sierra. And your place, too, wherever you live.

New Report on State of Sierra Frogs and Toads

Six of the native frogs and toads of the Sierra Nevada and California Cascade ranges are experiencing dramatic declines in population. For example, the California

Planning for Water-Wise Development in the Sierra

Poorly planned development has become a chief threat to the waters of the Sierra Nevada. But what is good growth, from a watershed perspective? Planning

Martis Fund Grants $123,800 to Conservation Projects in Martis Valley

The Martis Fund awarded grants to the Truckee River Watershed Council and the Truckee Tahoe Community Foundation to support conservation and enhance restoration projects in

Sierra Nevada Alliance Conference Scholarships Available

The Sierra Nevada Alliance is offering scholarships to attend its annual conference Sierra Nevada Alliance Annual Conference September 12-14th, 2008 in North Tahoe. The scholarships

Schwarzenegger makes it official: California is in a drought

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared Wednesday that California is in a drought, a move that included no immediate conservation orders but may lead to more aggressive

Summer may be grim for California's water supply: State official says shortage is worst he's seen in 30 years, LA Times

California communities face a strong possibility of water shortages and even mandatory rationing this summer because of record dry weather in March and April, a

Sierra snow comes up short, The Sacramento Bee

Despite new warnings Thursday that a water crisis is looming in California, state officials continue to maintain that enforceable conservation goals are not necessary. The

SF plans river water grab from exhausted Tuolumne River, San Francisco Daily

Greener-than-thou San Francisco has a dirty little secret – a plan to drain more water from the already exhausted Tuolumne River and sell it to

East Bay water managers plan for drought, San Francisco Chronicle

East Bay water managers are mulling a slew of measures - from ordinary bans on car washing to drastic water bill increases - to protect

Sierra Day in Sacramento, May 6

The Sierra Fund and the Sierra Nevada Alliance are again sponsoring Sierra Day in the Capitol TOMORROW, Tuesday, May 6. Co-sponsors include Alpine Watershed Group,