
Mountain Messenger: How's Business? Not Great.

The Mountain Messenger newspaper is on the streets today detailing the extent of business decline in Nevada City, and the news is shocking.

The Sierra's Enduring Gold

It comes fast. Look out your window this week, and you'll notice: Summer's leaves have lost their luster, and lawns are looking wan. That bit


  Am I the only one nostalgic for $4.50 a gallon gas? Kind of feels like it, but by instinct I’m a contrarian about enough in

Water Rights and Wrongs in the Sierra

Water law in the state of California can best be described as one of those incredibly complex multiple level chess games, with varying and not

Sierra Nevada Conservancy approves $11 in grants

The Sierra Nevada Conservancy Board of Directors authorized grants totaling $11,137,242 for projects throughout the Sierra Nevada. The Board authorized "Competitive Grants" totaling $6,831,922 for

Op Ed: The Glitter of Growth

Jim Hurley offers this view on growth in the Sierra Foothills: "The room was packed. Not just the usual riffraff, but luminaries of every hue

Kern River Valley Spring Nature Festival April 30 - May 6, 2008

You are invited to the Kern River Valley Spring Nature Festival from April 30 - May 6, 2008, which is held annually at Audubon's Kern

Cutting Carbon One Clothespin and One Perception At A Time

The summer of 1968 in Ohio was stifling hot and seemed to last forever. I was a five year old impervious to the heat and

A Remote Sierra Nevada Restroom for the Disabled Brings a Community Together

100 years after the newly founded Rotary Club started its first public service project, a public "comfort station" in downtown Chicago, a remote restroom in

Sierra Day at the Capitol June 5th!

For all of you who love and care about the Sierra, this is your chance to take a stance on the state level! This year's

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