
Op Ed: State's Water System at Breaking Point

Community Voices from The Bakersfield Californian | Sunday, Jul 13 2008 California and Kern County is a brilliantly designed painting. From the farmlands in the

Schwarzenegger makes it official: California is in a drought

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared Wednesday that California is in a drought, a move that included no immediate conservation orders but may lead to more aggressive

Wilderness Compromise Surprises Both Sides

When Congressman Buck McKeon visited the Eastern Sierra two weeks ago, the word on the street was that his wilderness legislation was dead in the

Sierra Day in Sacramento a Success

People who love the Sierra Nevada took time out of their lives to attend the Sierra Day in the Capitol on Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sierra Day in Sacramento, May 6

The Sierra Fund and the Sierra Nevada Alliance are again sponsoring Sierra Day in the Capitol TOMORROW, Tuesday, May 6. Co-sponsors include Alpine Watershed Group,

Producer's Journal: Conversation between a city planner and a radio documentary producer

I received an extensive email from a city planner who'd listened to Saving The Sierra's documentary. He took the time to communicate his points of

Op Ed: The Glitter of Growth

Jim Hurley offers this view on growth in the Sierra Foothills: "The room was packed. Not just the usual riffraff, but luminaries of every hue

Sierra Day at the Capitol June 5th!

For all of you who love and care about the Sierra, this is your chance to take a stance on the state level! This year's

Two Sierrans Appointed to the State Water Resources Control Board

It is great to see two folks with ties to the Sierra leading our state in water issues.  In early March, Governor Schwarzenegger appointed Frances

Sierra Nevada Alliance Annual Conference

Mark you calendars!  "Sustainable Sierra" is this year's theme at the 14th annual Sierra Nevada Alliance Conference.  Sustainability holds many meanings for different people and

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