
Producer's Journal: STS makes 2009 Top Ten List of Best International Multi-media Projects

Professor Patricia Zimmerman has named STS to her list of the Ten Best International Multi-Platform Web 2.0 Projects of 2009 that Torque Documentary Form. Who

TCAN kicks off production on "Truckee's Guide to a Smaller Footprint"

Truckee Climate Action Network Contact: Beth Ingalls, Director 530.386.3128 For immediate release: January 23, 2009 “Truckee’s Guide to a Smaller Footprint” Will Showcase Local

Obama's Agenda for Rural America

From the new website: "Rural communities face numerous challenges but also economic opportunities unlike anything we have witnessed in modern history. President Obama and

Producer's Journal: Continuing the Conversation about Civic Engagement

As part of a wide-ranging panel on Inspiring Civic Engagement at the Sierra Solutions 2008, I spoke about using media for outreach and community building.


  Am I the only one nostalgic for $4.50 a gallon gas? Kind of feels like it, but by instinct I’m a contrarian about enough in

Web site keeps Sierra updated on fire hot spots

When it comes to coverage of California wildfires, newspapers and television pretty much have the story down cold: "Massive" or "wind-whipped" fires fed by "explosively

Producer's Journal: Telling the New Sierra Story by Catherine Stifter

Like many stories about the Sierra, this one started with a river. Actually, it started waist deep in one of my favorite rivers. On a

Community Organizing in Southern Sierra

Richard Cayia Rowe, Communications Coordinator and Website Administrator for the Kern River Valley Revitalization recently featured our documentary on KRVR's Website and weekly email. Thanks

Mining's Toxic Legacy Report from the Sierra Fund

The Sierra Fund released Mining's Toxic Legacy: An Initiative to Address Mining Toxins in the Sierra Nevada yesterday, a report nearly two years in development.

Publication tells stories of California conservation heroes

Everyday Heroes Protect the Air We Breathe, the Water We Drink, and the Natural Areas We Prize The law which gives ordinary people the ability

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