Public invited to learn local Indian history at community forum

Local Maidu tribal members and supporters offer the public an opportunity to learn about historical experiences of local Indians and how to get involved with current Indian issues at "WIMIK: Awakening" on January 22, 2008.

The first of the monthly series will include a powerful documentary on California Indians, "Exterminate Them!" written and produced by Floyd Red Crow Westerman. The forum is set for Tuesday, January 22, 7-9 PM at the Love Building, Condon Park, 660 Minnie Streeet, Grass Valley, CA.

Before the movie, Tsi-Akim Tribal Chair Don Ryberg will set the stage with a discussion of the forced marches of local Maidu west to Round Valley, CA. Other supporters will discuss opportunities for natives and non-natives to work together to heal the wounds of this history.

The movie "Exterminate Them!" was written, produced, and directed by Floyd Red Crow Westerman, a well-known native actor and activist who died in December 2007. The showing of the movie is a tribute to his work.

Local Indians and supporters offer "WIMIK" in an effort to bring together natives and non-natives, to learn from the horrors of Indian history, and to heal the wounds of this history.

Local organizers initiated this effort eight years ago in the first of what is now an annual event called Indigenous Peoples Days. On what some people call Columbus Day, in October, Indigenous Peoples Day has grown in eight years to a four-day, all volunteer event which touches dozens of volunteers and hundreds of participants. In addition, in 2007, organizers offered a monthly radio series on KVMR, "Healing Soul Wounds."

The organizers of "WIMIK " are Tsi-Akim Tribal Chair Don Ryberg, Diana Ryberg, elder Roberto Garcia, Jane Garcia, Donna Uran, Joan Buffington, Dan Scanlan, Michael Ben Ortiz, and Tori Pratt.

The public is invited to "WIMIK" at the Love Building in Condon Park, Grass Valley, on Tuesday, January 22, 7-9 PM. A $5 donation is requested. Upcoming dates for "WIMIK" are Tuesday, February 26, March 18, and April 22 at the Love Building.

Question please,

My parents live in a home in Loma Rica where they can hear chanating during quiet moments in the house. The shadow of a small child has also been seen when they first moved in. After learning about the Maidu history in Loma Rica I am interested in hearing what you think about the noises that are heard. Thank you Kelly

Great opportunity

Once again I wish I lived up in the Grass Valley/Nevada City area.   Thanks to the Tsi-Akim Maidu Tribe and WIMIK organizers for putting together a community presentation to share often little known (outside of the Native community) California history and engage folks in discussing how this history impacts current issues today.   Bravo for inviting non-native folks to learn more,  get involved, and build intercultural relations.

jesikah maria ross, Co-Project Director Saving The Sierra: Voices of Conservtion In Action

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