
Sierra Speakers Series on iTunesU

Sierra College has posted podcasts of speakers from the Interdisciplinary 6 course "The Sierra Nevada," which examines the breathtaking mountain range that the famous naturalist


  Am I the only one nostalgic for $4.50 a gallon gas? Kind of feels like it, but by instinct I’m a contrarian about enough in

Planning for Water-Wise Development in the Sierra

Poorly planned development has become a chief threat to the waters of the Sierra Nevada. But what is good growth, from a watershed perspective? Planning

New Resource for the Sierra: Sierra Nevada Yard & Garden

Just released yesterday, the Sierra Nevada Yard and Garden, a homeowners' guide to landscaping in the Sierra Nevada, gives Sierra residents a comprehensive tool for

Producer's Journal: Growth and Development Issues Resonate in Communities Across America

We received an email the other day that made us smile.  It came from all the way across the country where residents face the same

Sierra Fire Season Has Begun

I've been a volunteer at my local fire department since the mid-90s. I was very active for about 7 years and now find myself on

Conservation/Media Panel at Sierra College Identifies Key Issues to Sierra Future

Earlier this month, Saving The Sierra was invited to address "The Future of the Sierra Nevada" at the spring lecture series on this magnificent mountain

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