Producer's Journal: STS makes 2009 Top Ten List of Best International Multi-media Projects

Professor Patricia Zimmerman has named STS to her list of the Ten Best International Multi-Platform Web 2.0 Projects of 2009 that Torque Documentary Form. Who knew there was such a list? We are honored to be on it.

Zimmerman writes, "Saving the Sierra, coordinated by Catherine Stifter and jesikah maria ross, is a compelling, elegant, clear-sighted regional project chronicling the culture, economy and environment of the Sierra Nevada as it confronts development challenging sustainability. It marshalls public media, radio documentary, citizen storytelling, and story mapping. The multiple and diverse voices in this project as a mighty and awe inspiring as Yosemite, Lake Tahoe and the sequoias, the spectacles and clichés of the Sierras."

Thanks to all of our partners and funders along with the Sierra residents and Sierra lovers who shared their stories.

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