Forest Service Partnerships

Hi Pamela, thanks for commenting! There is no lack of small diameter timber in the Sierra, however, even if we wanted to thin all of it, not every overly dense, fire prone forested area is accessible. Slope and distance to roads are two major factors that would make thinning/restoration virtually impossible in the majority of Sierra forests.

For a pilot study, Winrock and WESTCARB have done some work in the Northern Sierra mapping forest areas that are most feasible for this kind of work. The greatest opportunities are in those areas where the will and creativity exists (in the community and its nearest National Forest). The National Forest Service has a partnership program and the partnership coordinators in each of the forests are eager to work with groups and organizations to help with this and other work.

Visit this site

Betony Jones
Forestry Program Director
Sierra Business Council
530/582-4800 x.309


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