global Warming and clearcutting

All the guns of law and reason must come to bare upon the clearcutting in the Sierras because global warming has opened an opportunity to forest activists that has not been available until the UCS, NRDC and the IPCC focused in on deforestation being a LEADING cause of global warming. The Union of Concerned Scientists ( has stated clearly that clearcutting dumps enormous greenhouse gas emmissions into the atmosphere during harvest. They go on to state that plantations and the timber industry formulas about carbon sequestering are "misguided" and should NOT be a mechanism to fight global warming. On their website are two particular links..solution #4 and a general forestry page. Every corporation MUST unite with environmentalists to secure carbon nuetral logging (if that is possible). Cutting OUT Clearcutting is where it BEGINS for billionaire timber barons. If we cannot stop clearcutting, then we can expect equally tragic results from all other polluting industries. The results we get on this issue will reveal what hope there is for our children. Each group involved in forest conservation should get up to speed on the ucs findings and also contact Jerry Brown and TELL him to litigate the clearcutters EXACTLY like the big 6 automakers (CA vs Big 6 Auto). Dr. Amy Luers (UCS) has the clout and the science to make this case for the government. Her specialty includes forestry but she is also the LEAD expert science witness in the CA vs Automaker lawsuit (emissions expert too). That paperwork on that lawsuit is easily found by search engine...the wording should jump off the page to conservationists...this is it. Again, we have a golden opportunity here. Each of us should focus on the momentum rolling in this direction. Its the best shot we have ever had to stop clearcutting. The facts are in- Clearcutting contributes greatly to global warming- Mauro Oliveira


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