Sadly misleading

While Mr. Litton's heart may be in the right place, it is too bad that he feels the need to mislead the general public viewing this video by showing historical logging photos (appear to be at least 20 -30 years old) and aerial views of private property (probably SPI) and claiming that this is what is going on the National Monument today. The truth is that the Forest Service is trying to protect the remaining old-growth sequoias by thinning the fir trees that have become established in the understory dueto 100+ years of fire exclusion. If this thinning is not allowed to take place, the entire forest, including the old-growth sequoias will be destroyed in a catastrophic fire. Also, since sequoias are dependent upon light for regeneration and growth, the existing dense canopies preclude their germination and survival. Another case of extreme protectionism having an unintended consequence. Lets allow the professional foresters, botanists and biologists to implement good science that truly protects these majestic trees.


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