Kawamura -not so cool

Read this op-ed by Albany Mayor Robert Lieber in the California Progress report for a second opinion on Secretary Kawamura: http://www.californiaprogressreport.com/2008/03/aerial_spraying.html Kawamura sure talks the talk but he showed nothing but disrespect in his dealings with affected communities in the Monterey Bay area and frankly he is a liar. He authorized an untested pesticide to be aerially sprayed over hundreds of thousands of people (millions if his plan to spray the SF Bay Area had not been halted due to public protest!), a pesticide that we now know contained ingredients that are prohibited for use on food products –let alone to be sprayed over homes, gardens, playgrounds and directly on pets, people and wildlife. To this day the Secretary insists that the spray was safe, despite hundreds of illness reports, dead seabirds and contaminated waters. Not a cool guy, no way.


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