stories to deepen the connection

Like Genevieve, i've also been pondering what it is that bonds us to a place. Is it time? A particular experience? The people? What we do there (or don't have to do/experience there, e.g., traffic, noise, psychic chaos). A combination?

I've lived in Davis for about 25 years, and it seems that as the town grows and changes I feel less bonded with the place, though spending so much time here has certainly deepened my connections to more people, the land (especially the property i now own and cultivate!), local issues, traditions,  and such.

On the other hand, i have spent relatively little time in the Sierra--camping trips, vacations, mental health days!--over the past 25 years, yet whenever i'm there i feel a sense of wonder, inspiration, and rejuvenation that clings to me when i leave and endlessly tempts me back. My experiences and feelings for different parts of the Sierra move me to want to conserve it and support others who are doing their part to maintain it's cultural and natural resources. Sometime i feel a greater sense of belonging to the Sierra than my current or old hometown.

So maybe for me it is more the experience of the place than time spent there. But through this Saving The Sierra project, it is also the stories folks are sharing with me that is linking me to the place, making me feel more and more like i belong.

My experience with hearing folks stories from around the range echos what Genevieve said: stories help you start to love a place. And i think that is because stories really do have a unique way of connecting with our hearts as well as our minds. Most stories about a place are about relationships--to a particular spot, to people, customs, lifeways, dreams. And relationships are something we can all be curious about, relate to, or resonate with.

It's come up a few times during this project that people only save what they love. So if stories help us learn to love a place, then maybe our project will go a long ways toward helping to build a community of folks that love and, as a result, will work to save the Sierra for future generations.

jesikah maria ross, Co-Project Director Saving The Sierra: Voices of Conservtion In Action


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