Al Vaccaro

Any judge that stands up and says that we gotta to do this by hand ought get out there and take off his robes and start swinging an ax. He’ll find out that you can’t do it. It’s impossible.

Nevada City

Allen Edwards

The only viable way for people to combat urban encroachment is supporting local working land. Everyone wants open space, but the reality of saving the land is people have to feel like they can make a living off the land or they’re almost compelled to sell it to the next sub-division that comes along.


Andrew Leonard

It’s full of life and it reminds you of the important things. I’m so grateful to have been able to live here and come to the American River canyon and experience that magical place. I know that it would be a tragedy if future generations didn’t have that.

American River

Annakaren Pizano

Everything was so clear at night. There's not the city lights and the sky all blocked with pollution. Everything here is so nice.

San Juan Ridge

Annette Dunklin

The Yuba Watershed Institute was founded 15 years ago. It is a unique sustainable forestry collaboration between community members and the Bureau of Land Management.

Learn more about the Yuba Watershed Institute .

San Juan Ridge

Arvada Fisher

Everything I do today I owe credit to my grandparents. My job now is to manage the land and take care of it.

Mokelumne Hill

Ashia Climovech

We went on a six-day backpacking trip on the Yuba River and it really opened me up to how enjoyable nature can be. I definitely plan to be more conscious of how my actions are affecting nature and spend more time outside than I have in the past.

Yuba River

Attilio Genasci

Sierra Valley is one of the natural wonders. It’s there for humanity. And we dare not destroy it anymore than we’d cap the geysers in Yellowstone or put the Bridal Veil Falls of Yosemite in a pipe.

Sierra Valley

Barbara Balen

The children keyed into where their mothers and grandmothers were because of the pounding (on the grinding rocks). That rhythm is in the bones of the Sierra. It’s in my bones, and I am very grateful for that experience.


Bill Nunes

The working landscapes portion of our culture here is very real. And very important. We need to protect the resource-based industries that we have here.
