Bob Wetzel

We, the American people, own most of the real estate that makes up the Range of Light, the Sierra Nevada. And we have a calling to steward these lovely lands.


Bob Madgic

The loss of the Stanislaus River led me to work harder for the preservation of the Tuolumne River. I represented fishing interests and worked with the Department of Fish and Game to establish limits.

Learn more about the Tuolumne River Trust.

Tuolumne River

Brendan McCormack

We work on general plans to protect the rural way of life. We try to make general plans the vehicles for proper community input.

Learn more about the High Sierra Rural Alliance .


Bubbling Springs

Stereo recording of the calcium-rich cold springs that bubble up from underwater creating the towering tufa formations at Mono Lake. You'll also hear California Gulls in this recording and a pesky fly.

Mono Lake

Cadie Olsen

I don’t think very many folks who live in urban areas know that we’re delivering clean, fresh water to them. I’d like to see a connection between the upstream and the downstream in understanding the resource we provide and some money coming back to watersheds that deliver that clean water.


Caroline Hickson

People that haven’t had the luxury of being out in the quiet wilderness sometimes miss an opportunity to really get in touch with themselves and with how they fit in. And that’s a real good classroom. I think it is important for everyone to have a chance to have that interaction with the wilderness.


Caroll Dickson

I was very chaste, saving myself for that perfect moment. Well, I met a young man at the next-door campground, and that perfect moment was soon to happen.


Catherine O’Riley

My pet issue is the loss of old historic mining trails that go all through the canyons. One of my personal projects with a group of others is to restore old mining routes. We’ve been doing this for many, many years now.

American River

Celia Chatham

Especially when I'm backpacking, I have this experience of losing my identity. I can become part of the world around me.

Nevada City

Charles Rose

If we had a way to get more people from the urban areas to travel to the mountains, there would be more support for conservation and for being certain that we retain something for future generations.

Garden Valley