Sustainable Rural Development

Two weekends ago, I attended a conference devoted to "sustainability" in the Sierra Nevada. It was the Sierra Nevada Alliance's annual gathering and the folks from over 70 grassroots conservation organizations spent a chunk of time mulling over, defining, describing, and discussing sustainability and how to practice it best in the range.

So the term and what it means for the Sierra has been on my mind of late.

Isn't it funny how when you are pondering something, somehow you come across information related to what you were musing on? Synchronicity.

So in my inbox today came info on a new publication by the Western Rural Development Center (WRDC) titled, Sustainable Rural Community Development: An Annotated Bibliography. It's a graphically beautiful and useful compendium of of websites and publications focused on sustainable rural development

You can access the publication by following this link:

This is the first edition in what the WRDC intends to be an ongoing publication project focused on sustainable rural development. As they say, "Given the importance of viable economies, ecological systems and cultural continuity we believe it is important to begin the process of developing a bibliographic repository for literature relating to sustainable development. This publication is the beginning of this effort and is part of our larger publications library, now available on our website (, and spanning over 30 years. "

Have a look. And the us know if you have other publications we might want to know about.

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