Saving The Sierra on AARP's PrimeTime Focus Radio Program

AARP's PrimeTime Focus Radio program featured Saving The Sierra on their weekly program earlier this year. You can still enjoy the 5-minute story about our regional media project online. Listen to this Real Audio story produced by host Alyne Ellis. It's exciting to know that the story of our project appeared on more than 500 commercial radio stations across the country. We're aiming to reach folks with our stories through any and all forms of media.

Saving The Sierra has been featured in local and regional newspaper articles throughout the Sierra. We've been interviewed for a podcast on the SNEWS Live! network and written up as Uncommon Westerners in High Country News . With each story, we find out more about how people view the issues of conservation of rural communities, public and private lands, the environment, economy and culture of California's Sierra. And what they make of two independent media makers who have taken on the task of telling stories emphasizing solution rather than conflict, and valuing the voices of individuals who live and work at dirt level in the mountains.

It is always a pleasure to be featured like this and always an eye-opener, too. Did I really say that? Did I really mean that?

How does the saying go? Any publicity is good publicity.

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