On The Other Side Of The Mic

Ever done an interview? How about one for radio? And in a sound proof studio but by cell phone (not the original plan but the work-around due to some technical challenges). And being asked important questions and you know your answers will reach a huge audience.

Well, I'm hear to say it's no easy task.

On Tuesday, Catherine and I paid a visit to the KQED studio in Sacramento to do an interview about our recent documentary for the statewide public radio magazine program The California Report. It was so wonderful to be invited to speak about our project on this show that airs on well over 30 community and public radio stations from Acata to San Diego. The California Report provides daily coverage of issues, trends, and public policy decisions affecting California and its diverse population. I listen to the show myself, so it was a bit of a jolt to have the host, Scott Shafer introducing himself and asking us questions.


Press interviews about topics I'm passionate about are always a challenge for me. Besides having to stay super focused, you need to communicate as best you can in short, clear sentences. When it comes to talking about Saving The Sierra , it's not the clarity part that is tough; it's trying to distill two years of experiences, discoveries, challenges, and outcomes in a concise way.

But it was fun to be on the other side of the microphone. Plus it's always great to team up with Catherine to present the project, since we come to the documentary subject--the Sierra--from such distinct perspectives. Catherine, after all, lives and work in the Sierra. I on the other hand visit and love it; not to mention depend on it for water, clean air, outdoor adventures, and spiritual rejuvenation.


The interview aired  Friday April 11.  Have a listen to it by clicking here and let us know what you think.   Any other thought you would have added if you have the chance to reach out and connect with thousands of public radio listeners across the state?

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