Sierra Nevada Conservancy Public Meetings

The Conservancy will hold public workshops throughout the region to gain input on community priorities and potential projects. The information will be used in the development of guidelines for program activity including grants, technical assistance and other support to communities.

Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposed 2007-08 State Budget includes $17.5 million for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) for grants and other activities to further its mission. The funding will become available upon passage by the Legislature and the beginning of a new fiscal year on July 1, 2007. The Governor’s proposed funding is a result of the voters’ passage of Proposition 84 last November. That measure contained a total of $54 million for the SNC to implement its programs. This year’s proposed funding accounts for about one-third of those available funds.

“These public meetings are essential to help us understand local needs and priorities,” SNC Executive Officer Jim Branham said. “As we look to undertake programs to, among other things, protect natural resources, reduce the risk of catastrophic fire, preserve working ranches, farms and forests and increase recreational and tourism opportunities, learning from those who live in the community is critical.”

Information regarding the Conservancy and updates on the upcoming public workshops can be found at the Conservancy website.

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