
Everyone, rural and urban alike, has a reason to care about conservation of California's Sierra Nevada. This magnificent mountain range offers an experience of nature to over 100 million visitors each year. It's also provides 2/3 of every drop of water used in the state. With the population of the Sierra Nevada estimated to triple by 2040, rural life, working landscapes, and community identities are bound to change. Let's talk about how to conserve the environment, economy and culture of the Sierra. And your place, too, wherever you live.

Harvest Time at Loma Rica Ranch

The end of summer is the most wonderful time at the Loma Rica Ranch Organic Farm. Months of careful tending have culminated in acres of

Sierra Solutions Conference draws leaders from the Sierra Nevada, Mammoth Lakes, CA, Oct. 3-4, 2008

The Sierra Business Council and Sierra Nevada Conservancy are leading a conference that works to build healthy communities, prosperous economies, and environmental quality. Sierra Solutions


  Am I the only one nostalgic for $4.50 a gallon gas? Kind of feels like it, but by instinct I’m a contrarian about enough in

Key Sierra timber case pits California against Bush administration

WASHINGTON – A stalled Sierra Nevada salvage-logging venture is sparking the Supreme Court's next major environmental showdown. What began as a 238-acre Sequoia National Forest timber

Forests and climate change

You won't find the Journal of Forestry for sale on your supermarket shelf, but if you care about trees, you might want to visit your

Cooperative Extension Uses STS Stories for Outreach

Holly George is using Saving The Sierra’s webstories to build interest in doing a digital storytelling project with cattle ranchers in the Sierra Valley, a

In Yosemite, old notes yield new insights on climate

Joseph Grinnell, the founding director of U.C. Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, was a fanatic about taking notes. Put it all down, he would say.

Vote with Your Fork and other agricultural truffles

I have just discovered a delightful website chronicling the growing agricultural revival. The website is based on telling stories about young farmers through film. They

DRI researcher studies new form of photosynthesis in Mono Lake hot springs

Research conducted in Mono Lake, Calif., demonstrates how bacteria use arsenic in photosynthesis in the absence of oxygen. Jenny Fisher, a Post Doctoral Fellow, in

Planning for Water-Wise Development in the Sierra

Poorly planned development has become a chief threat to the waters of the Sierra Nevada. But what is good growth, from a watershed perspective? Planning