Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships

One of the most rewarding aspects to working with youth in the Sierra is the great contacts we make and the people we meet while we are on the road exploring different issues. This past August, while involved in the Youth in Conservation program, Synergia students met with interns and directors of SWEP -- Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships. The students and interns spent a day together working hard on restoration efforts in Washoe Meadow, at Meeks Bay, Lake Tahoe. SWEP promotes environmental stewardship by connecting students to their community and local environment through comprehensive watershed education and service-learning. We had heard of them before, but this was our first collaboration. SWEP is one of those small organizations that is doing big things in the Sierra, by connecting youth to the mountains they call home.

Thanks for connecting us with SWEP

We know there must be many small orgs doing big work in the Sierra. I'd love to connect us all via this blog.
Catherine Stifter

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