Homeowners failure to clear brush aided Angora Fire

The Sacramento Bee reports that the failure of property owners to clear small trees and brush from around their houses contributed greatly to the devastation of this week's fire south of Lake Tahoe, according to fire experts touring the burned areas. Read the complete article.

Everyone needs to do their

Everyone needs to do their part to prevent fires from spreeding. This is uncalled for for people to just have all this brush and small objects around their houses. As a community everyone must work together to keep the area clean. So if that means going and helping out your neighbor clean his yard then that is what needs to be done.  After the wild fires in San Diago we can all learn to we must work together in fire prevention. We must all do our part to keep the area as little fire prone as possible.


Franklin Beardsley, CSUS Student

This is one instance where a

This is one instance where a Homeowners Association would benefit the community. While, like most others, I don't like people telling me what to do with my property it could have saved much damage is there were someone to help enforce stiffer regulations on the proper care of one's property. Much damage could have been saved at Lake Tahoe.

-Adrian Rice (Sac State) 

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