Become a nature listener

Enjoy the amazing sounds of the Merced River and an earth concert from an underground spring in Yosemite National Park recorded by the Sound Tracker. USA Today called him "America's foremost guru of quiet." Hempton says everybody knows how to listen. And luckily, this new look at his work, from AARP Magazine and Primetime Radio, reminds us to take the time to do so.

Gordon Hempton, the Sound Tracker

Take a look and take a listen to this Web special of Gordon Hempton's nature sounds recordings and photography.

the sound of nature

When I was listening to the sounds, it made me feel really relaxed and peaceful at the same time. I never really noticed how beautiful nature is and from listening to this, I am more grateful for the nature and the environment that we live in.

Nancy H. Dao- CSUS

sounds of nature

It's odd to just sit still for a set amount of time and experience 'nothingness.'  You quickly realize that out of the so-called nothing, life springs up from sources that were unexpected.  Though it sounds like a cliche', sounds are awesome to experience, particularly nature's symphony.  The chaotic fragments create an ensemble that, for some odd reason, fuel whatever emotion or thought that may rest in your mind.  It increases your awareness to detail, aids in understanding and most importantly, it causes a sense of 'uncomfortableness' and fear. I find the later most significant.  I'd like to think that the fear invoked by nature reminds us that we still have something to lose.
erik gomezcsu sacramento 

peaceful sound

It sounds so relaxing to hear the river and it feels like your there especially with the picture slide show. They should definitely have more tracks like this!

Jeremy Abraham - CSUS

Listening to the sounds of

Listening to the sounds of nature makes me really appreciate how beautiful our environment can be. Hempton's work is greatly appreciated to let people remember how important conserving nature is.
Kristen Weingart CSU, Sacramento

Listening to those sounds

Listening to those sounds while looking through the pictures on the website is really relaxing. I really appreciate Hempton's work, it is simply art in a different way.

Jack Liu - CSU, Sacramento

Become a nature listener

Thanks for linking to our visit with Gordon Hempton, which was certainly inspirational for us. The article about Gordon in the print and online versions of AARP The Magazine, detailing his quest to save the natural quiet that surrounds us, will be online on October 4th. But we were so excited about the chance for our web visitors to hear his great recordings and share his insightful philosophy that we posted the interview and his gorgeous pictures as soon as they were ready. Let us know what you think and thanks for listening. Steve Mencher Sr. Producer, AARP

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