Building a Green Economy: Water Supplies At Risk

The Alternet News Service posted this interview with one of the world's leading water experts, explaining how our local water supplies are threatened across North America and across the globe. Two ideas caught my attention: keep local water supplies from being privatized; and protect water with sustainable agricultural practices. Read the whole article at Alternet.




Just reading the article title is already sad to read.  After reading this article, I am sad to hear how our water is endangered just because our water supplies is at risk.  It's very upsetting to hear that our own government is allowing companies out there to pollute and damage supplies.  I just hope this soon will be solved or at least have some action to help prevent this problem from becoming worst than it already is.


Michelle Dang, Sac State Student 


Water is a serious problem in our planet.  Every year we use more water in America.  Agriculture is the number one reason.  Furthermore, hydroelectric power plants are the second in water use.  I personally believe our country should change the different to a better irrigation system.  We need to create more laws about water use in the country.  This is problem for the entire human population.  We need to start taking care of the issue.

Jose V Paniagua-CSU, Sacramento

water, water everywhere not enough to drink?

in my perspective, water was never considered a scarce resource. however, recently i've been force to second guess my original thought.  water is essential to our development and the control that some industry have over it is unbelieveable.  the thought of a handful of entities controlling something vital to our existence should frighten us.  to think of the power in water, ouch! a more decentralized approach may be appropriate with regards to water regulation.
erik gomezcsu sacramento

After reading the article by

After reading the article by Maude Barlow I have come to realize that water has created so much controversy. I believe that we need to stop looking at water as if it is infinite and look into ways that we can preserve our water. Barlow is right as we continue to use water and "guzzle" it the more in the future we will have to pay for water. When hearing what happened in countries like India and how large corporations come in and take majority of the water and then pollute the water. They make it seem as if they are going to help them when they contribute and cause more problems. It is good to see India's Supreme Court side with the people and not necessarily making money the main priority. The cost of water could one day be like gas where it continues to go up instead of staying constant.

Ashanti Smith- CSU, Sacramento

It is sad to hear that our

It is sad to hear that our country has more control over the ground water, with plans for not much help to the people. It is sad to see the struggle for expensive brown water, but I applaud the city of Atlanta for breaking the contract in hopes for better water. I do agree that America is a water guzzler, and we do need to conserve a great deal.
Kristen Weingart- CSU, Sacramento

Although Maude Barlow stated

Although Maude Barlow stated that our country has more control over our ground water resource, sometimes i thik there's too much control, and they are performed in ways that are non-benefitial to people but the companies themselves. Such as Coca-cola, taking advantage of other countries, not caring about the people.

Jack Liu - CSU, Sacramento

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