Space available in Sierra College course on Sierra Nevada natural history

Interdisciplinary 6 – The Sierra Nevada is a semester course at Sierra College in Rocklin, California examining the unique features of the Sierra through a Thursday night guest speaker series that is open to the public. It starts January 18 and runs through May 10. Centered in natural history, the course also examines this California bioregion from other perspectives: history, politics, philosophy, management, economics, and inspiration (art, photography, poetry).

Course director Gary Noy, of the Center for Sierra Nevada Studies says the course still has space available for enrollment.

Guest lecturers and specialists join in this integrated study of the Sierra Nevada including its physical attributes, geological characteristics, origin and development, flora and fauna, water resources, historical and economic significance, and influences on literature, art, and culture. This course includes contemporary environmental, economic, and management issues in the Sierra. The public is invited to attend even if they are not enrolled in the course. The course will also be televised, as a public service, on the Sierra College cable television network.

Saving The Sierra co-directors Catherine Stifter and jesikah maria ross share the guest spot with Beverly Lewis, Placer County Film Commissioner at the April 26th session on "Media and Movies in the Sierra Nevada."

The complete guest speaker schedule is available at the Sierra College website .

Great Class!

I took this class last spring and it was one of the best I've ever taken. The combination of Gary Noy and Joe Medeiros was wonderful! I learned more about the Sierra than I ever thought possible from a single class. I cannot take the class again but I definately plan on sitting in on a few of the lectures. ;) Justin

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