STS Website wins the Dottie Awards' Arts, Culture, & Music category

And the winner of the 10th Annual Dottie Awards Arts, Music, and Culture category is...Saving The Sierra: Voices of Conservation in Action . The Dotties is the premier awards competition for Northern California Web sites. Their Culture category is defined as "Sites developed to facilitate cultural awareness, cultural groups, connectedness and/or communication. These sites can target either a broad-based or niche audience."

the Dotties AwardThat's definitely Saving The Sierra! And it's especially sweet that this award is for a collaboratively produced, visually compelling website sharing strong, authentic, personal stories of rural culture and connection to this beautiful Sierra Nevada region. Our website competed with 14 other websites in the Arts, Culture and Music category to win top honors. Web sites were judged on creativity and innovation, achievement of purpose, and ease of use. Both the project and the designer, Sierra College went home with one of these beautiful (heavy!) crystal globe awards.

The Dottie Awards acknowledge those Web sites and specifically highlight those individuals who have created excellent online environments with exemplary Web site design, content, resources and interactivity. Saving The Sierra's website was built and is maintained by a team headed by Gary Noy from the Center for Sierra Nevada Studies at Sierra College, including:

  • Sierra College faculty members Pam Johnson and Mary Helen Fein,
  • Sierra College student designer Clare Rickman,
  • web mistress Gale Petersen, and
  • Drupal developer Jeremy Isett.

jesikah and Catherine in a classic car

STS co-director jesikah maria ross and I are so proud of our team and of our Sierra storytellers. Yes, that's us celebrating with our Dottie Award behind the wheel of a classic car at the historic Towe Auto Museum in Sacramento, site of this year's Dottie Awards.

Front page article in The Union newspaper

Check out the story written by Laura Brown of The Union.

Catherine Stifter

Yubanet Article on STS Web site win!

Read more about our Dottie Award on the Yubanet News Feed  

Catherine Stifter

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Sorry I got so excited I forgot to login.  The last comment was from me.

STS pretty much just rocks!

Wow that is so cool! I am so proud to have been a part of this project and so thankful that there are smart, innovative, think outside of the box ladies like yourselves to put this all together. Thanks!

Ps. I really talked up the project at the Dan Dagget conference in Grass Valley tonight. People were really receptive and eager to get involved.

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