Truckee Climate Action Network

Climate change seems to be on everyone's radar. As Earth Day approaches many events and rallies are planned across the country, all with a focus on climate change. In the northern Sierra the  Truckee Climate Action Network (TCAN) was recently established by former mayor Beth Ingalls. The Tahoe Daily Tribune reports that it  "is a grassroots effort focused on making a positive local impact on global climate change through education, legislation, conservation and communication.

As my (town) council term was ending, this issue was at the forefront of my mind because of the general plan. And then the whole coal debate came up and there was this combination of people and energy."

Ingalls described the events leading up to the Network's creation - town planning, influential blockbuster movies, new environmental legislation, and shopping for local power contracts - as the "perfect storm."

Read more in this Tahoe Daily Tribune article

Truckee Climate Action Network (TCAN) and Saving the Sierra

I appreciated Catherine's posting about The Truckee Climate Action Network. I found it while googling TCAN several weeks ago to see if a recently submitted article about our new organization had been printed in the mainstream simple click led me to this amazing website so full of depth and vibrancy. Thanks to everyone participating here and making this site so spectacular. For those of you in and around Truckee on April 14th and interested in participating in the National Day of Climate Action, please join us at Truckee Regional Park at noon. You will be one but not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people around the country are coming together to create the single largest, simultaneous climate change event ever held. I believe we can make a difference. Lets step it up! Beth Ingalls

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