Is winter over?

I'm still laying a fire in the woodstove to heat my office in the mornings, but by about 2pm, I'm sitting in the sunny garden with my laptop, surfing the Internet on a wireless connection from my satellite dish. The solar panels are perfectly angled to top off the batteries by about noon each day, so I don't have to check the power meter before I fire up the coffee grinder. Ah, the quintessential Sierra Internet commuter lifestyle.

I do my website consulting job from home. That saves the daily commute to town. And at 55 miles round trip in biodiesel car at 46mpg, also saves just about $.05 in carbon emission offsets each week. I'm doing my part for climate change, but more important to me, I save the 40 minutes each way it takes to drive downhill and come back up the Yuba River canyon.

I'd rather stay up here at 4000' and watch the hound's tongue pop up their little blue flowers and see whether the flicker will come back to nest in a nearby snag. The robins are driving me crazy every morning. They are SO loud flying around to find stuffing for their nests. Even my hummingbirds are back.

Although the calendar confirms it, I am always amazed at spring in the Sierra.

And as the last of the snow begins to melt, I can just about hear the rivers letting loose. Maybe not as wild as last year, but it won't stop me from pulling out my wetsuit and checking my rafting gear. The first river trip of the season will be Sunday! Yahoo! Spring IS here.

I hope not

We desperately need more rain!  This could be a very uncomfortable summer.  I am thinking I should have moved my pond project to the top of my priority list.  Anyways, yes besides yesterdays brief storm, we have had the same feeling of spring up here.  Table Mtn is covered with people flying kites, having picnics, hiking, and walking their dogs.  Many of the wildflowers are already out.  Our creek is almost down to a trickle.  It looks like it did back in August.  I went to Reno last weekend and I couldn't believe the lack of snow in the high country.  Water might be a REALLY big issue this year!  I hope not....

um, I guess not!

Hard rain, sleet, even a little snow here at 4000'. I hear there are chain restrictions over Donner Summit. My tulips and daffodils look a little silly, but the sky is clear today. 

Catherine Stifter


I live in the southern Sierra, near Lake Isabella, and spring has definately arrived here. A few token wildflowers are blooming (very scanty and a month later than usual), trees are leafing out, and the birds are out in full force. All sorts of birds are happily going about their business locally, and the skies overhead are filled with groups of turkey vultures. It seems they are migrating northward, and stopping over in my area for the night. Every few days another small group of turkey vultures can be seen spiraling around nearby peaks, or if late in the day, down by the Kern River.

Zhakee Williams

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