Unlikely Allies Find Common Cause....And Win!

I'm always inspired to read about how folks who otherwise would never have been in the same room can come together to champion the place that they love.

This story takes place in Idaho, but serves as an example of how a wide range of stakeholders in the West with a shared concern can take on the big guns...and win!

First, have a look at the profiles--the diversity of the group is truly impressive

Meet Idaho's Revolutionaries

Then check out what they accomplished:

Magic Valley Uprising

Awesome post!

I love stories like this. I think that collaboration between unlikely candidates is the only future for success. I hope in the future that we will see people less attached to labels and parties, and just work together to achieve common goals regardless of their background.

community stories are IN!

Making communities livable, with intact resources that serve the people who live there, is obviously work that belongs to everyone, and from what we're discovering through Saving The Sierra story gathering as well as reading this article from High Country News, is best accomplished across the boundaries that seem to divide us.

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