
Schwarzenegger makes it official: California is in a drought

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared Wednesday that California is in a drought, a move that included no immediate conservation orders but may lead to more aggressive

California and Nevada Governors Declare State of Emergency for Catastrophic Wildfire

A state of emergency was declared Tuesday in the Lake Tahoe basin by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons, who took the advice

Sierra Day in Sacramento a Success

People who love the Sierra Nevada took time out of their lives to attend the Sierra Day in the Capitol on Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Conservation/Media Panel at Sierra College Identifies Key Issues to Sierra Future

Earlier this month, Saving The Sierra was invited to address "The Future of the Sierra Nevada" at the spring lecture series on this magnificent mountain

Sierra snow comes up short, The Sacramento Bee

Despite new warnings Thursday that a water crisis is looming in California, state officials continue to maintain that enforceable conservation goals are not necessary. The

Op-Ed: Governor's Water Plan a Boost for Conservation

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger surprised many in 2006 by signing a bill to cap greenhouse gas emissions.Now he seems interested in pursuing a similar cap on

Sierra Water and Land Use Policy Summit

  Designed for land use planners, water experts, and interested activists, the Sierra Water and Land Use Policy Summit describes the important relationship between water

Subdivision opponents can't convince supes that local resort falls short

Kirkwood Mountain Resort is "in substantial compliance" with mitigation measures and conditions and can proceed to develop the Martin Point subdivision, the Amador County Board

Calaveras County General Plan Open for Public Comment

The General Plan Baseline Report is open for public comment.A draft was originally released in November and was revised and posted on the Calaveras County

Publication tells stories of California conservation heroes

Everyday Heroes Protect the Air We Breathe, the Water We Drink, and the Natural Areas We Prize The law which gives ordinary people the ability

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