Climate Change

Dry times, downed trees and climate change

Not many people spend more time outdoors in northeast California than Jay Fair. An 84-year-old fishing guide, he knows just about every back road -


  Am I the only one nostalgic for $4.50 a gallon gas? Kind of feels like it, but by instinct I’m a contrarian about enough in

Forests and climate change

You won't find the Journal of Forestry for sale on your supermarket shelf, but if you care about trees, you might want to visit your

In Yosemite, old notes yield new insights on climate

Joseph Grinnell, the founding director of U.C. Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, was a fanatic about taking notes. Put it all down, he would say.

Planning for Water-Wise Development in the Sierra

Poorly planned development has become a chief threat to the waters of the Sierra Nevada. But what is good growth, from a watershed perspective? Planning

New report: Greatest value of forests is sustainable water supply

The forests of the future may need to be managed as much for a sustainable supply of clean water as any other goal, researchers say

Schwarzenegger makes it official: California is in a drought

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared Wednesday that California is in a drought, a move that included no immediate conservation orders but may lead to more aggressive

Conservation/Media Panel at Sierra College Identifies Key Issues to Sierra Future

Earlier this month, Saving The Sierra was invited to address "The Future of the Sierra Nevada" at the spring lecture series on this magnificent mountain

Sierra snow comes up short, The Sacramento Bee

Despite new warnings Thursday that a water crisis is looming in California, state officials continue to maintain that enforceable conservation goals are not necessary. The

East Bay water managers plan for drought, San Francisco Chronicle

East Bay water managers are mulling a slew of measures - from ordinary bans on car washing to drastic water bill increases - to protect

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