
Martis land in public hands

David Bunker of the Sierra Sun writes about the acquisition of Waddle Ranch as public land and its preservation as open space. The verdant meadows

A Remote Sierra Nevada Restroom for the Disabled Brings a Community Together

100 years after the newly founded Rotary Club started its first public service project, a public "comfort station" in downtown Chicago, a remote restroom in

Producer's Journal: Photos from Mono Lake Canoe Tour

Enjoy a small selection of photos from our Eastside recording expedition. STS producers took a public tour of the South Tufa area at Mono Lake

LA Youth in the Wilderness

Twenty-five L.A. youth from Walt Whitman Continuation High School will participate in a three-day outdoor experiential program in the Giant Sequoia Groves in the southern

Producer's Journal: Martis Valley & the Power of Place

This is the first in a series of postings that I and co-producer jesikah maria ross will write about creating an independently-produced public radio documentary

My First Visit to the Sierra Nevada

An essay by Nellie ChenowithI am writing about my first memory trip to the Sierra Nevada area. This trip occurred when I was nine years

Peaceful Place

An essay by Michelle MorganI've never been a rugged outdoors type-of-girl, but I have always had a fascination with and a love for all things

Sequoia -- from the Eyes of a 10 Year Old

An essay by Marilyn StittIt was July of 1954 and my family had just arrived in Southern California from a small town in upstate New

Spirit Place

An eassy by Joan Griffin Every summer for the last dozen years, I have spent great lengths of time camping and hiking and picture-taking in

Sierra Day at the Capitol June 5th!

For all of you who love and care about the Sierra, this is your chance to take a stance on the state level! This year's

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