Water Issues

DRI researcher studies new form of photosynthesis in Mono Lake hot springs

Research conducted in Mono Lake, Calif., demonstrates how bacteria use arsenic in photosynthesis in the absence of oxygen. Jenny Fisher, a Post Doctoral Fellow, in

Planning for Water-Wise Development in the Sierra

Poorly planned development has become a chief threat to the waters of the Sierra Nevada. But what is good growth, from a watershed perspective? Planning

Op Ed: State's Water System at Breaking Point

Community Voices from The Bakersfield Californian | Sunday, Jul 13 2008 California and Kern County is a brilliantly designed painting. From the farmlands in the

New Resource for the Sierra: Sierra Nevada Yard & Garden

Just released yesterday, the Sierra Nevada Yard and Garden, a homeowners' guide to landscaping in the Sierra Nevada, gives Sierra residents a comprehensive tool for

Martis Fund Grants $123,800 to Conservation Projects in Martis Valley

The Martis Fund awarded grants to the Truckee River Watershed Council and the Truckee Tahoe Community Foundation to support conservation and enhance restoration projects in

Big Meadows Restoration Project Tour July 5th

The public is invited to tour a successful Big Meadows restoration project in the Sequoia National Forest on July 5th with Forest Service Wildlife Biologist

Schwarzenegger makes it official: California is in a drought

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared Wednesday that California is in a drought, a move that included no immediate conservation orders but may lead to more aggressive

Thoughts on water conservation from an Amador County blogger & conservationist

Here's what Katherine Evatt wrote recently about water conservation: Thanks to our unusually dry spring, it's a relatively dry year in the Mokelumne River watershed,

Northstar developer agrees to $2.75 million water pollution settlement

Developers of a luxury mountain resort near Lake Tahoe have agreed to a proposed $2.75 million settlement for allegedly polluting a stream feeding the wild

Water words that work

I just came back from River Network's national conference, River Rally. A truly reinvigorating experience. And one thing that has really stuck in my mind

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