Land Use


  Am I the only one nostalgic for $4.50 a gallon gas? Kind of feels like it, but by instinct I’m a contrarian about enough in

Key Sierra timber case pits California against Bush administration

WASHINGTON – A stalled Sierra Nevada salvage-logging venture is sparking the Supreme Court's next major environmental showdown. What began as a 238-acre Sequoia National Forest timber

Planning for Water-Wise Development in the Sierra

Poorly planned development has become a chief threat to the waters of the Sierra Nevada. But what is good growth, from a watershed perspective? Planning

Tribe accepts deal to buy Clover Valley land for open space, culture center

A Placer County Indian tribe has tentatively sealed a deal to buy 65 acres from the developer of Rocklin's Clover Valley for public open space

New Resource for the Sierra: Sierra Nevada Yard & Garden

Just released yesterday, the Sierra Nevada Yard and Garden, a homeowners' guide to landscaping in the Sierra Nevada, gives Sierra residents a comprehensive tool for

New report: Greatest value of forests is sustainable water supply

The forests of the future may need to be managed as much for a sustainable supply of clean water as any other goal, researchers say

Clover Valley Update

We received an update from Marilyn Jasper at the Clover Valley Foundation, marking what she calls a "dubious benchmark of having been in the trenches

Timberland Rezoning and Future Development in Northern Sierra

Our colleague Jane Braxton Little writes in the Sacramento Bee about a rezoning strategy that may lead to the future development of forestland owned by

Wilderness Compromise Surprises Both Sides

When Congressman Buck McKeon visited the Eastern Sierra two weeks ago, the word on the street was that his wilderness legislation was dead in the

Conservation/Media Panel at Sierra College Identifies Key Issues to Sierra Future

Earlier this month, Saving The Sierra was invited to address "The Future of the Sierra Nevada" at the spring lecture series on this magnificent mountain

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