
Visitors encouraged to protect the forests

Hundreds of species of wild animals and plants living in lush woods are barely surviving as logging, development and global warming take their toll on

Kern River Valley Spring Nature Festival April 30 - May 6, 2008

You are invited to the Kern River Valley Spring Nature Festival from April 30 - May 6, 2008, which is held annually at Audubon's Kern

Publication tells stories of California conservation heroes

Everyday Heroes Protect the Air We Breathe, the Water We Drink, and the Natural Areas We Prize The law which gives ordinary people the ability

Martis land in public hands

David Bunker of the Sierra Sun writes about the acquisition of Waddle Ranch as public land and its preservation as open space. The verdant meadows

80,000 Public Comments on Spotted Owl Recovery Plan

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Regional Director Ren Lohoefener announced a strategy today to develop a final recovery plan for the threatened northern spotted

Tribal Members Invite Community To Honor Indigenous History, Culture

Don't miss an extraordinary opportunity to celebrate Indian culture of the northern Sierra. Indigenous Peoples Days, set in and around Nevada City, California takes place

Sale Protects Truckee Corridor

Public acquisition of 3,344 scenic acres in the Truckee River Canyon was recently announced by the Nature Conservancy. The $2 million purchase links hundreds of

"Yosemite - Range of Light" Slide Show in Nevada City

Environmentalism and spirtuality come in many different forms.  On Sunday, April 22nd Rev. Don Baldwin will combine the two for "Yosemite - the Range of

Sequoia -- from the Eyes of a 10 Year Old

An essay by Marilyn StittIt was July of 1954 and my family had just arrived in Southern California from a small town in upstate New

Spirit Place

An eassy by Joan Griffin Every summer for the last dozen years, I have spent great lengths of time camping and hiking and picture-taking in

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