Central Sierra

Northern California Fires: Interactive Maps

The Sacramento Bee has published a comprehensive map of the fires burning in Northern California, many in the Sierra. Click here for details.The Governor's Office

Clover Valley Update

We received an update from Marilyn Jasper at the Clover Valley Foundation, marking what she calls a "dubious benchmark of having been in the trenches

Environmental Results of the Gold Rush: KGO-TV Story

KGO-TV Reporter Laura Anthony produced a 2-part series on mining history and toxic legacy. Among those interviewed are The Sierra Fund Executive Director Elizabeth Martin,

San Joaquin bypass settlement unites former foes

A legal settlement announced Friday creates a new opportunity to build a major flood bypass on the San Joaquin River, a solution that has been

Placer Land Trust preserves 912 acres on Bear River

Placer Land Trust is pleased to announce the completion of its largest conservation project to date, the 912-acre Garden Bar Preserve, situated along the Bear

Subdivision opponents can't convince supes that local resort falls short

Kirkwood Mountain Resort is "in substantial compliance" with mitigation measures and conditions and can proceed to develop the Martin Point subdivision, the Amador County Board

Calaveras County General Plan Open for Public Comment

The General Plan Baseline Report is open for public comment.A draft was originally released in November and was revised and posted on the Calaveras County

Citizens Group Pushes for Open Space Protection

A Rocklin citizens group that tried unsuccessfully to stop a Clover Valley housing project at the ballot box wants assurances that land purchased by an

558 Home Development Approved for Clover Valley

Rocklin voters approved a development plan of Clover Valley after a decade-long fight over the future of the oak-studded land. With all 45 precincts reporting, Measure

Clover Valley's building battle has a twist: Indians are now siding with the developer

We've been following the Clover Valley development story since Marilyn Jasper, Director of Save Clover Valley, sat down with us to record comments for our

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