Sierra Nevada Conservancy

Full Funding for SNC

BREAKING NEWS FROM THE SIERRA FUNDSacramento, CA --The Conference Budget Committee has affirmed the Governor's full proposed budget of $21.6 million for the Sierra Nevada

What's the Status of the Sierra Nevada Conservancy License Plate?

The Sierra Fund answers your questions about the status of the Sierra Nevada license plate with a new Frequently Asked Questions web page.The short story

Sierra Nevada Conservancy Logo Winners Announced

A total of 244 students from throughout the Sierra Nevada entered the SNC logo competition. Students competed for more than $20,000 in cash and awards

Sierra Day at the Capitol June 5th!

For all of you who love and care about the Sierra, this is your chance to take a stance on the state level! This year's

Sierra Nevada Alliance Annual Conference

Mark you calendars!  "Sustainable Sierra" is this year's theme at the 14th annual Sierra Nevada Alliance Conference.  Sustainability holds many meanings for different people and

Sierra Nevada Conservancy Meets in Nevada City

At 6 p.m. on March 5 the Sierra Nevada Conservancy held a public input session at Miner's Foundry in Nevada City. The Conservancy (SNC) is

Let your voice be heard at Sierra Nevada Conservancy

The Sierra Nevada Conservancy is having public workshops to get individuals involved with the organization's operations as well as to listen to public suggestions for

Sierra Nevada Conservancy Public Meetings

The Conservancy will hold public workshops throughout the region to gain input on community priorities and potential projects. The information will be used in the

$27.5 Million for Sierra Conservation

Sierra Nevada Region to Receive $27.5 Million in Grants. Proposition 50 money, awarded for the first time under the Sierra Nevada-Cascade Conservation Grant Program, will

Sierra Nevada Conservancy eLibrary online

The Sierra Nevada Conservancy's searchable electronic database is now online.

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