Southern Sierra

Become a nature listener

Enjoy the amazing sounds of the Merced River and an earth concert from an underground spring in Yosemite National Park recorded by the Sound Tracker.

Wildfire Dangers Amid Sierra Sprawl

The Sierra Nevada Alliance released the results of two years of research documenting that sprawling patterns of growth in the Sierra are more expensive and

Producer's Journal: Crew Travels to Mono Lake on Biofuel

The STS co-directors are in final planning stages for our trip to the Eastside to record interviews for a documentary segment on Mono Lake. We're

LA Youth in the Wilderness

Twenty-five L.A. youth from Walt Whitman Continuation High School will participate in a three-day outdoor experiential program in the Giant Sequoia Groves in the southern

Sequoia -- from the Eyes of a 10 Year Old

An essay by Marilyn StittIt was July of 1954 and my family had just arrived in Southern California from a small town in upstate New

Spirit Place

An eassy by Joan Griffin Every summer for the last dozen years, I have spent great lengths of time camping and hiking and picture-taking in

Sierra Day at the Capitol June 5th!

For all of you who love and care about the Sierra, this is your chance to take a stance on the state level! This year's

A Memory Worth Reliving

An essay by Eric CohenOn a cool November morning of September I, 1995, I awoke sitting in bed, glancing over at the calendar to my

A Youngster's Memory of Yosemite and Elvis Presley

An essay by Arlene Jamar Thinking about my first experience in the Sierra Nevada Mountains brought back memories of a family outing that was unique

Bear Encounter in the Sierra Nevada

An essay by Cheryl Axton I was 28 years old and 6 weeks pregnant with my first child when I went on my first backpacking trip

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