
Producer's Journal: Saving The Sierra Blog on Booktown Radio Show August 4th

Eric Tomb (host of the community radio program Booktown on KVMR-FM) spoke with me about a workshop I'm conducting at the 2008 Sacramento State Summer

Conservation/Media Panel at Sierra College Identifies Key Issues to Sierra Future

Earlier this month, Saving The Sierra was invited to address "The Future of the Sierra Nevada" at the spring lecture series on this magnificent mountain

Producer's Journal: When the documentary is done, the conversation has just begun

Saving The Sierra: Grassroots Solutions for Sustaining Rural Communities is a 54-minute radio documentary that took more than 2 years to create. And yet, on

Producer's Journal: More than music for a documentary, a collaboration with Ludi Hinrichs

Sometimes the energy is just right for collaboration. That was definitely the case in a magical 2-day recording session with musician Ludi Hinrichs and engineer

Sierra Nevada Conservancy approves $11 in grants

The Sierra Nevada Conservancy Board of Directors authorized grants totaling $11,137,242 for projects throughout the Sierra Nevada. The Board authorized "Competitive Grants" totaling $6,831,922 for

Become a nature listener

Enjoy the amazing sounds of the Merced River and an earth concert from an underground spring in Yosemite National Park recorded by the Sound Tracker.

What's Going on in Community Media

I work on several media projects in addition to Saving The Sierra: Voices of Conservation in Action . What all these projects have in common

Sierra Nevada Conservancy Logo Winners Announced

A total of 244 students from throughout the Sierra Nevada entered the SNC logo competition. Students competed for more than $20,000 in cash and awards

"Yosemite - Range of Light" Slide Show in Nevada City

Environmentalism and spirtuality come in many different forms.  On Sunday, April 22nd Rev. Don Baldwin will combine the two for "Yosemite - the Range of

Spirit Place

An eassy by Joan Griffin Every summer for the last dozen years, I have spent great lengths of time camping and hiking and picture-taking in

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