
Everyone, rural and urban alike, has a reason to care about conservation of California's Sierra Nevada. This magnificent mountain range offers an experience of nature to over 100 million visitors each year. It's also provides 2/3 of every drop of water used in the state. With the population of the Sierra Nevada estimated to triple by 2040, rural life, working landscapes, and community identities are bound to change. Let's talk about how to conserve the environment, economy and culture of the Sierra. And your place, too, wherever you live.

Clover Valley's building battle has a twist: Indians are now siding with the developer

We've been following the Clover Valley development story since Marilyn Jasper, Director of Save Clover Valley, sat down with us to record comments for our

A Remote Sierra Nevada Restroom for the Disabled Brings a Community Together

100 years after the newly founded Rotary Club started its first public service project, a public "comfort station" in downtown Chicago, a remote restroom in

Building a Green Economy: Water Supplies At Risk

The Alternet News Service posted this interview with one of the world's leading water experts, explaining how our local water supplies are threatened across North

Become a nature listener

Enjoy the amazing sounds of the Merced River and an earth concert from an underground spring in Yosemite National Park recorded by the Sound Tracker.

Wildfire Dangers Amid Sierra Sprawl

The Sierra Nevada Alliance released the results of two years of research documenting that sprawling patterns of growth in the Sierra are more expensive and

Find Out About All Thing Rural

At long last--a news and information service for all things rural in the US! The Daily Yonder, published through the Center for Rural Strategies, responds

Tribal Members Invite Community To Honor Indigenous History, Culture

Don't miss an extraordinary opportunity to celebrate Indian culture of the northern Sierra. Indigenous Peoples Days, set in and around Nevada City, California takes place

City of Rocklin approves Clover Valley development

After a decade of controversy, the Rocklin City Council voted late Tuesday to let developers build homes on one of the city's last natural open

Producer's Journal: Sierra stories everywhere!

It's a great time to listen to stories from the Sierra. Through new partnerships with Weekend America and Stories from the Heart of the Land,

Saving the Mokelumne River for Future Generations

[Story by Matt Brown in Lodi News-Sentinel forwarded by the Foothill Conservancy]Pete Bell has been exploring and protecting the Mokelumne River for a quarter century.